Halmstad Yogainstitut

WORKSHOP Breathwork
med Gästlärare Michelle Baker

mars 14 (fredag)
klockan 18:00

Lektionens längd
120 minuter




If you’ve been to breathwork with me before, you know that, in one way or another, this practice is always and ever heartwork. As one of the 13 indigenous grandmothers says, ‘the longest path you’ll ever travel is the half meter it takes you to get from your head to your heart.’ Tending to the heart is tending to the Spirit. Tending to the Spirit can deeply transform your ability open to and embrace love (inwardly and outwardly). 

In some wisdom traditions, the back of the heart is referred to as the sea of forgiveness, so alongside exploring the quadrants, tendrils and wisdom of the heart, we’ll tap into those deep water reservoirs to explore the art of forgiveness.

Warm welcome.

We’ll begin class in circle with an introduction to the breath and a communal conversation around the theme before diving into the main ingredient, the breath. 
We’ll also close our time together in circle.

What is Breathwork? 

"This particular style of Breathwork is an active meditation technique that allows you to navigate and tend to your inner terrain by connecting with your breath to calm and ground your nervous system while relieving your mind and body of stuck, stagnant energy — in turn, creating a pathway for both an emotional and somatic release and the creation of new neural pathways.

Through liberating tension, stress and even limiting thought patterns, you’re better able to connect with the innate wisdom within, which can be a strong catalyst for opening your heart to honest self-love, self-healing, and self-acceptance.

Although it’s considered an activating breathwork practice, it has a feminine touch."

När: Fredagen 14 mars kl. 18.00-20.00 OBS! Workshopen hålls på engelska.
Pris: 450kr
Var: Yogainstitutet Halmstad, Slottsjordsvägen 5
Lärare: Michelle Baker
Bokning: Anmälan är bindande, när du betalat din bokning är din plats säkrad. 
Om du inte kan delta i evenemanget på grund av sjukdom eller andra skäl kan du 
överlåta din plats till en vän. Ej återbetalnigsbar.

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